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Understanding and Managing Summer Dry Eye

Dry eye syndrome is rarely life-threatening, but individuals with this chronic condition know how the discomfort can impact your life in a big way. When you have dry eye, the lack of lubrication in your eyes causes uncomfortable symptoms, such as:

Natural changes that occur during different seasons tend to worsen dry eye symptoms. Hot summer months can especially make you feel miserable. Additionally, allergens and triggers, such as smoke, can make matters worse. 

Board-certified ophthalmologist Phillip Wu, MD, and our highly skilled clinical team understands the toll dry eyes can take on your daily life. Patients with dry eyes receive the highest level of care at our Evanston, Illinois office. 

Fortunately, if you are dealing with chronic dry eyes, there are ways to manage your dry eyes and get relief from uncomfortable symptoms, even in the summer. Dr. Wu offers various dry eye treatment to help ease your symptoms. 

Eye protection

Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun are damaging to the eyes and skin. Whether it is summer, or winter, it’s essential for people with dry eyes to protect their eyes year round. Wearing sunglasses is an excellent way to protect your eyes while outdoors. Summer sun and wind are particularly harsh on dry eyes. 

Before you head outside this summer, make sure to put on UVA sunglasses to protect your eyes from the elements. And, when you take a dip in a pool or a swim at the beach, don’t forget to wear goggles to avoid exposure to irritants in water, like salt and chlorine.

Stay hydrated

Water is not only a key element for your body, it is good for your eyes, too. Maintaining adequate hydration plays a role in keeping your eyes lubricated. If you have dry eyes, boosting your water intake is a practical step to take. Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated and if you lose water through sweat or if it is an especially hot day, drink extra water to avoid dehydration. 

Benefits of omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids help produce tears. These beneficial fats that your body needs but can’t make on its own occur naturally in foods in certain foods. Fatty fish are the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Other excellent sources include:

You can also increase the omega-3 fatty acids in your diet by taking dietary supplements.

Eye lubricants

Artificial tears are a good component to any dry eye treatment regimen. And, you don’t have to wait until dry eye symptoms crop up to start using them. These eye lubricants can significantly relieve symptoms of dry eyes. 

There are a wide variety of eye lubricants to choose from and they come in various forms, including gels, ointments, and liquid drops. 

Prescription eye drops

Dr. Wu may recommend a prescription eye drop, such as cyclosporine. This type of eye drop is more than a lubricant. It contains an agent that reduces the inflammation associated with dry eyes. Inflammation is recognized as a major contributor to dry eyes. 

Steroid drops are another available option that addresses the inflammation linked to dry eye syndrome. 

If you’re dealing with chronic dry eyes, we’re here to help. For more information on how Dr. Wu and our team can help you get relief from dry eyes contact our Evanston office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Wu or book your request online. Relief from chronic dry eyes is attainable.

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